
write a revised HOWTO for developing a working language pair

Write a guide that outlines what needs to be done to start from nothing and get the beginnings of a working language pair developed. It can be based heavily on the new language pair HOWTO, but should feature the following "changes":

  • is really more of an outline of what needs to be done, with linking to other pages for the specifics (except where other pages don't exist);
  • instructs specifically to use the bootstrap tool, as opposed to mentioning it as an aside;
  • links to installation instructions for particular OSes that are already on the wiki, e.g. debian/ubuntu, vitualbox as a separate section, with follow-up instructions for how to get each of them to a dev-ready state as needed;
  • gives instructions in both lexc/twol-based and lttoolbox-based language modules, and how to decide which is appropriate for a given language;
  • shouldn't dwell too much on terminology or be complicated in any way.

For further information and guidance on this task, you are encouraged to come to our IRC channel.

Task tags

  • documentation
  • howto

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training