
How to choose the best DE based on your hardware?

Note: please submit your task as a file of whatever format: .odt, doc, pdf, etc ... whatever makes you comfortable. I need a document type of file though.

Almost every newcomer to GNU/Linux is having the exact same question in his/her mind. However, once you learn/know the minimum system requirement of each DE (Desktop Environment), the answer is very easy.

Assuming you have 4 different computers at home:

Intel Pentium 4 with 512MB RAM
Intel Celeron with 1GB RAM
Intel Core i3 with 2GB RAM
Intel Core i5 with 6GB RAM

What DE would you install on each of these machines? Your task is to write a recommendation for which flavour(s) of ubuntu to install on each machine, as well as why you recommend that flavour(s) and what are the advantages?

Task tags

  • desktop environment
  • de
  • desktop

Students who completed this task

Sal DiMaggio, Zachary, Andy, Helen, BlackBird, David Wu, Alex Dueppen

Task type

  • web Design

