
Convince and convert users from Microsoft Windows to GNU/Linux

When we heard that Windows XP will reach its EOL (End Of Life), we started a project to promote Ubuntu and its official flavours to replace an old and outdated system such as Windows XP


Your task is to convince 2 people/users from Microsoft Windows (whatever version they have) to try GNU/Linux (Ubuntu or any official flavour) and don't forget to offer them your help after installing the new system. In order to finish this task, yourself need to be a GNU/Linux user so please, install Ubuntu or any of its official flavour and start to use it if you haven't done that already. Remember, if you like and believe in what you're using, convincing someone will be very easy.

For verification, please write a short story of who you converted to using Ubuntu. You should answer the following questions:

  • Which version of Ubuntu did you install? Why?
  • What were the top concerns of the person you helped install Ubuntu?
  • Did you dual-boot with windows or install Ubuntu by itself?
  • What problems did you encounter?
  • Did the user already know about Linux and Ubuntu before you mentioned it to them?
  • What were the users biggest fears to converting to Ubuntu if there were any?
  • Provide details on how you met the person, how you convinced them to install Ubuntu, and what happened in the end.

Task tags

  • gnu/linux
  • ubuntu
  • microsoft
  • startubuntu
  • windows xp

Students who completed this task

Lasembo, Wubistick, Trijeet, malevasquez, Simardeep Singh, ryanisaacg, ThatOneIndianDude

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research