
Upgrade to Xenial Xerus using the Image - ISO QA Test Case for Lubuntu amd64

The image tracker records all our results from manual test runs of installing Ubuntu. Select the Upgrade Lubuntu amd64 on the Xenial Daily milestone. This is recommended to be done on a test machine or in a virtual machine. Note, the amd64 images can NOT be run on an i386 machine.

  1. Download an Ubuntu 15.10 image from the cdimage server (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/15.10/release/lubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso)
  2. Install Lubuntu 15.10 on the system you will be using to test this
  3. Download the daily image from the cdimage server (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/xenial-desktop-amd64.iso)
  4. Select the Upgrade Lubuntu amd64 testsuite
  5. Select Upgrade (image)
  6. Submit a result of "In progress" on the test case you are running
  7. Run the test case
  8. Edit the "In progress" result to reflect either Passed or Failed, and link any necessary bugs
  9. To confirm that this was completed, we need your Launchpad username and a link to your report
  10. Submit this task

Note: If there are more then two (2) results(including "In progress" results) already reported for this test case, wait 24 hours before proceeding.

The following wiki pages and the help text on the tracker will help if you have never done this before. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/QATracker https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Walkthrough

Task tags

  • qa
  • lubuntu
  • iso
  • image

Students who completed this task

malevasquez, MatthewAllen, Alex Dueppen

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance