

Ubuntu is an open source operating system managed and funded by Canonical and developed by a diverse community of volunteers and professionals from around the world.

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It also means ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’. The Ubuntu operating system brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers. Ubuntu has nine flavours and dozens of localised and specialised derivatives. There are also special editions for servers, OpenStack clouds, and mobile devices. All editions share common infrastructure and software, making Ubuntu a unique single platform that scales from consumer electronics to the desktop and up into the cloud for enterprise computing.

Whether you’re an experienced technology user or you’re just getting started, there are lots of ways to get involved with the Ubuntu community. Ubuntu is more than an operating system for your computer, server, cloud, phone, tablet, or TV. It’s also a massively collaborative project. Ubuntu is always open and looking for ways to create the best possible experience for anyone who tries it and community participation is a great way to help make that happen.

Primary Open Source License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)

Programming Languages:

  • qt
  • qml
  • python
  • go
  • c++


  • ubuntu
  • qml
  • python
  • qt
  • linux