Sugar Labs

Music Blocks: Ordered Pitch Block

Block that puts pitches in order from lowest to highest (when rendering the matrix)--mainly for use in the matrix. QUESTION: Does it need to be Matrix-specific? Is there any other reasons to put pitches in order? I (Devin) feel that there may be.

Example: [matrix block start] [ordered pitch block] mi,6 do,5 ti,8 [matrix block end]

Since the pitches are not already in order, the block will reorder them upon rendering the matrix (does NOT reorder the actual blocks, just their output).

So the matrix has (from highest to lowest) ti,8 mi,6 do,5 (and whatever the rhythm specified is)

  • Note that the pitches above are all argument=pitch, octave

Task tags

  • JavaScript
  • coding

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Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training