Music Blocks: Video demonstration
Make a (< 2 minute) video to demonstrate how to use a Music Blocks feature.
Some examples and advice: Sample Videos made by Mentor Devin:
What Mr. Devin found to be successful: 1) Write down what I planned to say. 2) Make edits to #1 to make it clear and to the point. 3) Record the video while reading the script. 4) Listen to result of #3 5) Repeat #2-4 until satisfied with the video.
For Best Sound: The best way to create the video (for best sound is) to 1) Set your screen record to record your internal audio only while you demonstrate, and then 2) record voice-over of the audio, then 3) mix both together with Pitivi or Openshot.
For the voice over: What you need to do with the voice over (which is the noisy one) is, in Audacity, 1) Noise Removal*, 2) leveler 3) compressor
*Noise Removal in Audacity is a two-step process. 1) Select Noisy spot and 2) Select all audio that you wish to remove noise for.
Submission: Send the 1) Script (.txt), 2) Audacity Files, and 3) OpenShot or Pitivi files.
Metadata (this command is helpful): $ ffmpeg -i input_video.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata title="My Title" -metadata artist="My Name" -metadata album="Music Blocks Videos" -metadata year="2015" -metadata copyright="My Name (c) 2015 -- Some Rights Reserved under CC-BY-SA" -metadata comment="My Name (c) 2015 -- Some Rights Reserved Under CC-BY-SA" output_video.mkv