Sugar Labs

Infographic - Recruit Developers

Create an infographic that can be used to recruit software developers to become involved with Sugar development. Read the Sugar FAQ as a starting point for information to use on the infographic here:

Use free/open-source software to create this infographic.

If you have not already done so, please create a UserID on the SugarLabs wiki here:

Once you have created your user account, add or link to this assignment to your User Page. This page will be used to document your progress on tasks throughout the contest. Here is a link to a guide you can use to help you format your user page: Be creative with it!

To link to a specific assignment to share with social media, create a heading on your User Page with the title of the assignment. For example, Mariah's User Page URL is To link to a specific header (Google Code-in) of her User Page, the URL looks like this:

Task tags

  • design

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research