
Add screenshots of MediaWiki extensions or skins to

A significant number of extensions and skins on do not have a screenshot in their infobox. Please pick one extension or skin from the below categories to take a screenshot of.

Tell us which extension or skin you have chosen.

Please see for details and more links on how to take screenshots, where they should be uploaded, and how to add them to the extension/skin page.

Task tags

  • mediawiki
  • extension
  • screenshot
  • skin

Students who completed this task

sgoblin, Jade Maveric, jdloft, MtDu, Julian Engel, Ananay Arora, Lucy, Victor Barbu, Shazheng, Ioannis Kydonis, Victoria Juan, Anmol Wassan, Pranav Kumar, mhutti1

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training