
(Part 1) Create a native app, Tipster, to display usability tips

Your task is to create the application "Tipster" which will show short usability tips in a window. Follow-up tasks will add more features.
You'll need a solid understanding of C++ and be a quick learner of the HaikuAPI (see BeBook/HaikuBook).

Goals for this task

  • Load a tips file from $dataDir/Tipster-tips. Every tip is made up of three lines; tips are separated by a blank line:
    • Category
    • Tip text
    • URL to more information (optionally blank line)
  • Pick a random tip and display the tip text in a BTextView in a window.
  • Wait 1 minute or on a left-click of the mouse on the text to show another random tip.

Here's the tip-file to use: http://sprunge.us/KHAI

Create a project at github to host the app. After the task was appoved, transfer ownership to HaikuArchives.

Task tags

  • c++

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design