RTEMS Project

Fix 10 spelling or grammar mistakes in at least 10 different files

This task consists of identifying at least 10 spelling and/or grammar errors in at least 10 different files. This includes finding errors in RTEMS documentation, wiki, or source code comments. The documentation and code reviewed should be the current as cloned from http://git.rtems.org per the instructions at https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/GettingStarted. The wiki is at http://devel.rtems.org.

RTEMS uses US English so color is the correct spelling, not colour. Grammar errors are often a matter of opinion and the mentor's opinion is the final ruling. But some deference will be given to sites such as http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/index.html which is a great reference for common English mistakes.

To complete this task, you need to find 10 or more different mistakes AND in at least 10 different files or pages. Examples:

  • 1 mistake in 7 different files counts as: 1
  • 20 mistakes in 2 files counts as: 2
  • 5 mistakes across 20 files counts as: 5

Your report should identify the mistake you found, the file, and suggested correction. If the mistake is in the wiki, make the correction yourself after confirmation. If the mistake is in code, submit a patch with the corrections.

Task tags

  • spelling
  • grammar
  • english

Students who completed this task

ybden, pineappleskyes

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • done_all Quality Assurance