RTEMS Project

Design an RTEMS business card

Design a polished two-sided business card for RTEMS. These will be cards for community members to give out to others at conferences, meetings, interviews, etc. The design should incorporate personal information like name, title, phone number, email, maybe a mailing address too.

You can incorporate the RTEMS logo (see https://www.rtems.org/logo_list) or design something completely different. Be creative. Keep it simple.

Search the web for design inspiration before working on this, but you must submit a completely original design of your own creation that does not use 3rd party images from the web. If you create a design similar to something you found on the web, it is considered a derivative work and you should give proper attribution (i.e., credit) to that author by name with a link to their work. Failure to give credit is plagiarism and can be grounds for dismissal from GCI. When in doubt, design something unique. ;)

You can use any tools to create your design. Familiarity with a graphics design package like Gimp, Photoshop, Inkscape, or Illustrator are useful for completing this task. Gimp and Inkscape are open source (and free).

Submit a preview of your design in PNG format as well as your original artwork files in layered vector format (e.g., PSD, XCF, SVG, AI, etc).

Be awesome, be creative, be inspired, be original. ;)

Task tags

  • graphic design
  • business card

Students who completed this task

sajaan_rathnayake, neellakhwani, Kimberlydo, JqiGao, Samuel Chua, AdityaGulati, Parth Miglani, 16Y2J Eiffel Chong, ProgrammingLuko, EazyMoney7, Kauushik326

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research