
Add "This page requires JavaScript" notes to special pages in the Translate extension

This task is about MediaWiki's Translate extension.

If you go to Special:Translate after disabling JavaScript in your browser, you get a clear message:

When you go to Special:AggregateGroups, Special:ManageTranslatorSandbox, Special:PageMigration, Special:PagePreparation, you don't see such an error message even though the pages require JavaScript to function.

dc1367ef78ddcdf201dab9d8e6634f99216c6e17 has an example how to do it. Basically you need to add such HTML element and the CSS to the appropriate CSS/LESS file. The i18n (internationalization) message can be reused.

Bonus points for not-showing any broken-functionality on this pages when JavaScript is not enable. On Special:AggregateGroups the listing should remain, but without all those boxes that are used for editing.

Task tags

  • html
  • css
  • php
  • less

Students who completed this task

Yifei He

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design