Digital Impact Alliance

Ushahidi: Match title field with the rest of the fields on the post submission form

Task Instructions.

See :

Getting started

  1. First install the ushahidi platform, based on these instructions:
  2. Review the documentation on how the ushahidi platform works here

Your task here is to Match title field with the rest of the fields on the post submission form

What to Submit

  1. Your code in a pull request in the relevant github repository i.e APIor The client repository or [Gitbook for documentation] (

How to get help

If you need help, be sure to post your question to our live developer chat rooms on gitter or IRC or [Skype] ( for Google Code-In.

This must be original work and must be in your own words. Any assets you use must be Creative Commons and attributed(give credit to the original author) accordingly, or be your own original work.

In a separate document, please include your attributions, which can be obtained using the search tool for Creative Commons mentioned prior.

Task tags

  • design

Students who completed this task

Malaal Dehlvi

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design