Learn basic 3D modeling using BRL-CAD, part #2 of 2

This task assumes you've already successfully installed BRL-CAD and you've completed the first 8 tutorials successfully already in part #1.

The goal of this task is to finish the rest of the MGED tutorial series, lessons 9 through 16.

As before, at the end of each lesson, draw your work at "ae 45 45" and save a PNG image by running "rt -o lessonXX.png" in the command window, where XX is the current lesson number (e.g., rt -o lesson04.png), type your name in the command window, and simply take a screenshot. Alternatively, run "rt" after "ae 45 45" and include the rt window in a full screenshot. Ask questions if you get stuck (and mark it ready for review if you do ask a question)!

SUBMIT all images to show you worked through the lessons.

Task tags

  • 3d modeling

Students who completed this task

Fizaan Khan, Anton Levin, SHAN HERN HNG, Joy Chrissetyo Prajogo, Lawal Abdul_Qoyum, Madhav, Maciej Kordyaczny, Aryaman Mohapatra, Nathaniel Carter, caleb Parks, Jonah Ladwig, Sree Harsh, Saatvik Bhatnagar, Lucas Prieels, Mitesh Gulecha, Tai Yuan Ze, Hridyanshu Aatreya, Harshita Godavale, Lee Care Gene, Alyssa Dsouza, Atharv Tiwari, Neal, Zoom, Ngwa Sedrick Meh, Agape Gonzales, Andrea Tan, Wasim Afser, i.AyushGupta, Rahil Malik, Siddharth Nayak, mdutta, Bach Bao, Jeff Sieu, Danish Singh Sethi, Sarthak kumar, Anisah M.W, Himanshu Agarwal, Saksham Bhardwaj, Amogh Mohta, Mitali Naigaonkar

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research
  • done_all Quality Assurance